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Textarea Element

Renders a textarea input.



Name Type Description
autogrow boolean Whether the textarea should grow automatically as user inserts new lines.
rows number Initial number of rows of the textarea.
default string Value of element when the form is initially loaded or reseted.
placeholder string The placeholder of the element.
floating string The floating label of the element.
disabled boolean Whether the field is disabled.
readonly boolean Whether the field is readonly.


Name Type Default Description
disabled boolean false Whether the field is disabled.
autogrow boolean true Whether the textarea should grow automatically as user inserts new lines.
rows number 3 Initial number of rows of the textarea.
defaultValue string null Value of element when the form is initially loaded or reseted.
placeholder string null The placeholder of the element.
floating string null The floating label of the element.
readonly boolean false Whether the form element is readonly.


# .reset()

Resets the element to it's default state.

# .disable()

Disabled the field.

# .enable()

Enables the field.

# .autosize()

Forces the recalculation of textarea rows.