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wizardStep$ - <FormWizardStep>

Component used by wizard$ to render steps.


Name Type Default Description
name string|number - Name of step within steps object. required
step object - Step schema within steps object. required
elements$ object - Form element components.
visible$ object - The visible$ step of formWizard$.
events array [] Helper property used to store available events.
active boolean false Determines whether the step is active.
disabled boolean true Determines whether the step is disabled.
completed boolean false Determines whether the step is completed.
available mixed - Whether the element has any unmet conditions.
visible boolean - Determines whether the step is visible.
label string - Label of step.
labels object - Returns the labels object of step schema.
buttons object - Returns the buttons object of step schema.
invalid boolean - Determines whether the step has any invalid elements.
pending boolean - Determines whether the step has any pending elements.
debouncing boolean - Determines whether the step has any debouncing elements.
validated boolean - Determines whether all the elements in the step has been validated.
busy boolean - Determines whether the step has any busy elements.
done boolean - Determines whether the step is done (complete, validated has no invalid or pending elements).
children$ object - Returns the components of elements within the step.
conditions array [] Returns the conditions of the step.
index integer - Returns the index of step within the wizard.


# .on(event, callback)

  • event string : event to listen for.
  • callback function : callback to run when the event is triggered. The this variable refers to the component the listener is set for.

Adds a listener for an event.

# .off(event)

  • event string : event to remove the listeners for.

Removes all listeners for an event.

# .fire(event, args) @returns {any}

  • event string : event to fire.
  • args object : arguments to pass for the event's listeners.

Fires an event.

# .__(expr, data) @returns {string}

  • expr string : expression to be translated using . dot syntax.
  • data object : data to be passed for the expression

Translates an expression to current locale.

# .validate()

Validate the elements within the step.

# .proceed(callback)

  • callback function : callback to call when the form is ready to proceed

Prepares to proceed to the next step. If validateOn contains 'step' it first validates any unvalidated element and wait for async validators to finish. Only continues no elements has invalid status.

# .activate()

Activates the step.

# .deactivate()

Deactivates the step.

# .enable()

Enables the step.

# .disable()

Disables the step.

# .complete()

Completes the step.

# .uncomplete()

Uncompletes the step.

# .select()

Selects the step to become the active step.


# active

Triggered when the step becomes active using activate method.

# inactive

Triggered when the step becomes inactive using deactivate method.

# complete

Triggered when the step becomes commpleted using complete method.

# enable

Triggered when the step becomes enabled using enable method.

# disable

Triggered when the step becomes disabled using disable method.