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File Element

An element used to upload a single file.



Name Type Description
clickable boolean Whether the file's name in the default preview should be linked to the actual file.
url string If the file is clickable this will be prepended to the file's URI.
drop boolean Whether the uploader should be a drag n drop area instead of a button.
disabled boolean Whether the field is disabled.


Name Type Default Description
drop boolean false Determines if the element has drag n drop area instead of upload button.
disabled boolean false Whether the field is disabled.
file object null The element's File object containing information about the uploaded file. Available properties: file, base64, preview, name, displayName, link.
clickable boolean true Whether the file's name in the default preview should be linked to the actual file.
url boolean null If the file is clickable this will be prepended to the file's URI.
defaultValue string null Value of element when the form is initially loaded or reseted.
originalName string - The original name of the uploaded file.


# .reset()

Resets the element to it's default state.

# .disable()

Disabled the field.

# .enable()

Enables the field.

# .change(File)

  • File File : Javascript file object

Changes the uploaded file and trigger it's change event.

# .set(File)

  • File object : Javascript File object.

Converts a javascript File object to element's File object and set it as the file property.

# .remove()

Removes the element's File object.


# preview

  • el$ object : The element component.
  • remove function : Removes the file.

Custom preview.


# add

Triggered when a new file is selected by the user.

# remove

Triggered when the element's file is removed.